Data Flash Teaching

Teaching about Data

One of the Learning Goals of the Advanced Flash class is teaching data as a different way of thinking for artists.

We’re no longer just making images one by one by one, but relating to a structure that we pour content into. the approach of master pages, templates and styles of InDesign and Quark is being transferrred over to everything.

For the advanced Flash class at the Academy of Art over the summer, artist advanced not Computer Science advanced, an introduction to classes and OOP. I need to reveal that classes and OOP is how styles and templates is built, a metaphor no one ever talks about, why I wonder.

So the two threads to hang things on

A history of one person, famous, family or fictional, a negative or positive view.
A study of ten years or a story project, because god knows I don’t want to do an info project as a demo.

Both will be made with the same set of classes we build, so each weeks assignment will be two separate designs due, start by changing the xml of a simple slide show, as we add button classes they will have to pull in seperate assets but always using the same classes by changing the xml and parameters we should be able to produce two different designs.

It would be cool if I could figure out a structure for doing a game in this context.

They’ll get to pick, or work on their thesis for the final five weeks of course.



Modulus is when you divide something and you get a remainder , it returns the remainder so when you want to alternate something such as a set of backgrounds it’s a great little help. Also has a simpler bit of code then two loops for creating a grid in the comments.

Grant Skinner’s blog as always


Flash gaming tutorials

8 bit rocket

Storyboarding a set of stages

A sequence of storyboards to pay attention to

Alvin and bugs