
Haunted Man and Swift Specter

Click on the arrows/image twice to stop the slideshow so you can read it. Or I have a conflict in my wordpress plug-ins and I need to spend a couple of days hunting thru the code. The tech is amazing but it will drive you up the wall.



unbound comic

Well I don’t have an Icon for under construction but I’ve now done enough work to start working on it but plug-ins and time and conflicts are leading to “issues”. Mostly me eating chocolate to solve my web problems. Eventually a functioning site is coming but I’m remembering now why I hate web development.



The Natters

We all have interior natter as we stumble through life. Talk that goes on in our head about the world. Sometimes it’s useful , “look right, left, right, before crossing the street. Arguing with the lover who didn’t share the chocolate with you 15 years ago, since you broke up 10, not so much. Discussing money with your parents isn’t going to pay the rent. Discussions with the ghosts of our lives doesn’t make them go away at all no matter the logic we use.

So take a deep breath pay attention to this body in the moment and go back to nattering. Meditation is supposed to put you in the moment but unfortunately what you find is that a quiet 30 minutes is a great place to carry on the nattering with ghosts.

Nattering can be lying, harsh speech, divisive speech, and idle chatter, the categories of wrong speech. They create ill will with others and make you a grumpy ashole when you do it in your head. Much of the speech of the last fifteen years has done nothing but drive all of us nuts. So why do we do it with our own brains?

Buddha’s rules for social media, or right speech, kind, useful, timely and true work to make the world a better place. Can we apply these rules to ourselves to make the inner natter go away? Lately, my daily meditation has been “May I be happy, and know the seeds of happiness. May I be free of suffering and the seeds of suffering. May I be well, at peace and rest in the joy of equanimity”. What Buddha would have called “metta” in Pali, his native tongue.

What is interesting that when my natters start, and I feel the waves of grump wash over me, these phrases are coming into my mind almost unbidden. My natters are being replaced with the metta statement.

Because resting in the joy of equanimity means basically letting go of my big-shot opinions and just be in this moment, I have to stop the art theory and focus on the shape of that eye I am drawing. I have to let go of my history with editors and draw the hand.

It’s become a very effective tool in forcing me to drop the natters from my thought patterns.

Right speech, it’s what you get when you blog.


Look Right! Look Left! Draw!

We all have interior natter as we stumble through life. Sometimes it’s useful, “look right, left, right, before crossing the street. Fighting over chocolate that the lover didn’t share with you 15 years ago, not so much. Discussing money with your parents who died 10 years ago isn’t going to pay the rent.

Meditation is training to be in this moment, not nattering with ghosts. Not just when you levitate, but when you’re doing dishes or even writing and drawing.

Nattering is often lying, harsh speech, divisive speech, and idle chatter, the categories of wrong speech. They create ill will with others and make you a grumpy ashole when you do it in your head. Much of the speech for the last fifteen years has done nothing but drive all of us nuts. So why do we do it when we talk to ourselves too?

Buddha’s rules for social media, or right speech, kind, useful, timely and true work to make the world a better place. So apply these rules in the ways we talk to ourselves and we can make our own life a little easier. As an artist all of my wrong speech fills up my head as I draw, that’s why I’m writing this series on the 8fold path for artists.

These days I try to pick an object to focus on, like my breath in meditation, but for creating comics. It’s hard to break comics down in this way because they are so complex but right now I’m focusing just on head and character construction.

I natter on about a pattern library as a way to keep my thinking clear, what a failure I am for never writing it up. See harsh speech. But first I have to get thru the 8-Fold path for artists.

Right speech, it’s what you get when you blog.