Comics Drawing Flash Teaching

Drawing Comics with Adobe Flash-Backgrounds

I love drawing backgrounds, it’s somewhat self indulgent to fiddle with your backgrounds, but drawing New York City is just fun. partially NYC just looks the way a comic book city is supposed to look, water towers tons of people of all sorts, buildings from all time period it makes me feel young again. There’s nothing like drawing Union Square where looking downtown the main building is the New School at 14th and university, looking uptown is the view from the rooftop of Parsons Fine Arts Department. Anything that creates that feel of being a kid and sitting around discussing “profound” ideas about art can only make me happy.

Here’s the New School in the background.

Comic panel with background of Union Square and the new School

And you’ll notice in the background again the same drawing, scaled alittle differently and with a different value. And no people walking around, since the panel is to small to have any distractions in it.

Comic panel with background of Union Square and the new School

And here’s the actual drawing done as it’s own Movie Clip in Flash, since it’s a Movie Clip I can re-use it, re-size it and set the value of it to change in any way I want. Flash because it’s built with objects, move the drawing sometime from being about the making all the shapes work together to collaging your own drawings together. It makes it more fun to draw backgrounds and then put the people on another layer so you can have them in or out depending on the scene and time.

Comic panel with background of Union Square and the new School

And just some playing with the brightness.

Comic panel with background of Union Square and the new School

Comics Drawing Flash

Drawing in Flash on a Wacom Cintiq

first figure of an angry blackman
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A couple of things, I’m finding fascinating drawing on the Cintiq, one is just the process of layering drawing with different colors, resolving these into a final image that is tight enough to be a cartoon and achieves some iconic storytelling power is “annoying”, Ilike the painterly look of the working process and am trying to get the finsihes to be that painterly<br />
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Close up of the head, I get to draw a small part a head with the same arm gestures that I would do a large figure, effectively you never have to draw with your fingers but can always draw with a large sweeping shoulder motion, this makes drawing more fun, roller coasty, until you screw up and then you realize the pose is wrong the big sweeping gestures are wrong and you have to redraw the figure.<br />
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Redraw figure, maybe I should just do cheesecake…

Flash Teaching

SEO Cheat sheets

info pointer for my students to learn this so I don’t have to teach it

SEO Cheat sheets

Flash Teaching

Gradients in Flash

A good tutorial on gradients in Flash
